The Carrot Slayer is the very first vegetarian toy: a funny executioner that, being against the murdering of people and animals, decided to put himself to the test in the art of cookery, cutting and chopping vegetables with his axe.
He comes in two limited editions of 250 pcs each: Gruesome, that wears leather and brings to mind a fetish atmosphere, and Hippie, dressed in exuberant colours and ready to get high, as a nostalgic flower child. For further details please email me.
He comes in two limited editions of 250 pcs each: Gruesome, that wears leather and brings to mind a fetish atmosphere, and Hippie, dressed in exuberant colours and ready to get high, as a nostalgic flower child. For further details please email me.

The Ghetto Reaper flirts with the hip-hop culture in an ironic and funny manner, starting from its name, the golden tooth and the large bling jewelry with the RIP symbol around his neck.
The Ghetto Reaper comes in two limited editions of 250 pcs each: Gold & Cold, dressed in black with a golden necklace and Silver Shiver, purple with the silver bling. For further details please email me.
The Ghetto Reaper comes in two limited editions of 250 pcs each: Gold & Cold, dressed in black with a golden necklace and Silver Shiver, purple with the silver bling. For further details please email me.